Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 18, 2008 Meeting Agenda

Agenda for April 18th 2008

Please respond to Agenda with order: 1, 2, 3,.... for members to better read.

I. Introduction

- We have not had a proper introduction; please tell us your name, year or major, and what you hope to see S.I.S. do.

II. Upcoming Events
A. Barbeque and Ice cream Contest
- Free BBQ /Ice cream contest for our first Kick-off party of the year - planned date: TBA @11:30am- 1:00pm at Shrank N 58
- Please sign up to volunteer:

1. Planning committee: Help to brainstorm for missed ideas
2. Clean-up committee: Cleans up after the event
3. Set-up committee: set-up condiment station and help fill info. Napkins
4. Table committee: pass out food, plates, drinks, etc.

B. Sweat Pants Campaign
- SPC is currently occurring: spread the news to bring in old sweat pants, sweat shirts, and underwear for rape victims.

C. Cell Phone campaign
- Collecting old cell phones for emergency personnel i.e. battered womens shelter, crossing guards, school bus drivers, etc.

D. Any ideas for Women’s History month, or any ideas in general?

III. Survey
- Which do you like conducting meeting online or in person?
- What do you think S.I.S should use to get attention of students on campus?
1. Pens
2. T-shirts
3. Safety flashlights
4. Table Tents

Please check a box, your opinion matter.

IV. Socializing Ideas
- Study Group: member of common classes get together and study ; former student of a particular class as helpers and teachers
- Study Break: Movie night/Game night
- Book Club
1. Recommend a book of interest


Alyssa said...

I'd like to vote for Scott Westerfield's books because they are good and easy reads and have a lot of content regarding body image that can be discussed.

Anonymous said...

1. Hi, my name is Shireda Duncan. I am the current President of S.I.S, a 3rd year Bio. major, and I want to see S.I.S. help women in time of needs created by everyday situatation- like "build" a home for run-away girl due to domestic problems at home.

2. The idea of the BBQ/ Ice cream contest is to attract new students to S.I.S; pass out hot dog with our bills under the napkins. Then later- about 12:30pm- have a ice cream building contest, COLD STONE CREAMERY style. It will take place in front of Shrank N 58. Volunteers do not have to stay the entire time. Your help is greetly appreciated.

3. Sweat pants Campaign is currently in effect. Infomation is at the bottom of this blog site.

4. The cell phone campaign will not be in effect until next semester, but during your summer break....if you happen to know people or you keep old cell phones bring them in.

5. Womens History month is a big deal- this year there were 2-3 events happening on the same day. Now that we are a official registered Org. we can have a program of our own. Any ideas?

6. Blogging is fun, but I still think we should get together once in a while. Maybe, a study group- members can help one another in classes, game or movie night- who doesn't like a funny movie? The most recent idea by two members (Alyssa B., Jennifer L.) is a book Club. Alyssa recommended the first 3 books on the list- she says it's really good trilogy and ea. book is a "a quick read."

7. Now I'm interested in hearing what other members have to say.

Unknown said...

I. My name is Stephanie Cunningham, and I'm a Ph.D. student in the Counseling Psychology program. I'm hoping to see SIS keep rolling and continue adding membership since I'm sure that there are a fair amount of young feminists on campus.

II. A. I'm happy to help with the BBQ event in any way needed, from planning to clean up.

D. I don't currently have any ideas for Women's History month. As for general ideas, I feel like it would be useful to have a follow-up recruitment event in the plaza between Buchtel and Bierce where we hand out candy and flyers while wearing SIS shirts, having signs, etc. I also really like the idea of having a "pay equity bake sale" at some point, like Pat brought up in the last meeting.

III. I like having discussions via blog or listserv, etc., but I definitely think occasional real-life meetings are needed. Once the executive board for next year is elected, I also think it's helpful to have separate executive board meetings.

Anonymous said...

1.Hello my name is Kameka Fullwood, I currently work in the Women's Studies Office, I help out with S.I.S. even though I am no longer a student. I think with help and support S.I.S. could be a hug success.

2A.I think the BBQ is a great idea, I can't wait to help out, I will be on any of the committees that still need assistance.

2B-C.I think these two ideas are GREAT, I have already donated some sweatpants, sweatshirt and my sister has donated some underware. YEAH S.I.S.

2D. I think S.I.S could do something to read out to the student body like having a some type of fundraiser for the RCC as well as S.I.S. This could be a month long event. Also we could do brown bag lunch series that addresses issues women face on a daily basis i.e. violence of any form, health issues, ect..

4. I think the study group could be a great idea.

-As for ht ebook club I like Scott Westerfeld right now, the books are already recommended by Alyssa and the are on the book club section of this blog.

Marcy said...

1. My name is Marcy Trew. I am finishing a Masters in Instructional Technology this summer and waiting to hear about a PhD program. I am working on the Women's Studies grad certificate.

2. I think the BBQ and ice cream social sound like a great idea. I look forward to helping out in any way possible.

3. I think t-shirts are always a great advertising idea. I love the idea of a tent near Buchtel too.

I enjoy the convenience of meeting online but think occasional face to face meetings are important to build a good working relationship with one another.

It should be fun working together.

Anonymous said...

I. My name is Jodi Ross and I'm a Ph.D. student in Sociology. I haven't been able to be very active in SIS yet, but I'm totally sending positive vibes ;-) This year I was the President of Sociologists for Women in Society and Graduate Committee for Research on Women/Gender which are also working on women helping women!

2)BBQ/ice cream sounds fun! Would these be on the same day? I would also throw out there that we may want to consider vegetarian options...remember Carol Adams wonderful visit to campus and the connections between feminism and vegetarianism

3) For women's hertory month I'd love to see us plaster the campus with posters introducing women's stories from herstory. Our SWS group did this on a small scale this year.

4) i think this blog meeting is a good idea. meeting is person is essential but obviously so difficult with schedules, etc.

5) I thing pens are good...people use them and may even occasionally glance down and read them ;-) I'd have to say honestly that I think people are recruited through social networks far more effectively than through any other tool.

6) I would like to see SIS join forces with other feminists orgs on campus...I happen to only know of two: SWS and gradCROW. It occurs to me that we are trying to accomplish the same goals and can likely be very successful in joint programming. Stephanie and Marcy are also involved in these orgs and can help facilitate this as well.

Angela said...

Hey everyone, I am Angela Ryan. I have not been really involved this term as I am trying to graduate in 2 weeks; however, I will be back for graduate school so I will be around a little longer :)

A) I like the idea of the BBQ and Ice Cream contest. Question are we planning on doing this outdoors? I have not been over to Shrank in years and I am not sure where 58 is. The only suggestion that I have with this is that we may want to try to do this a little more campus central, only because there are those who will not what to walk to Shrank. Depending on the day I may be able to help out with just about anything!

B) I love the idea of the Sweat Pants Campaign. I think I remember seeing it in the e-mail that the university sends out. I am trying to go through all my stuff and see what I can donate :)

C)I have 2 or 3 phones at the house that I have been wanting to get to the rape crisis center, I will have to get them to you guys. Also so everyone knows, you do not have to have the charger in order for them to be able to use the phone, I called them a few weeks ago to make sure!

D) Women's history month, I love it, I have participated in many events in the past. Unfortunately, I have no real ideas on what to try to do. Though I would like to see another speaker on Women in Politics, the last speaker, Mrs. Strickland, unfortunately left allot to be desired. The only reason that I say this is because I am in politics and I would have liked to see someone who has been through the political juggernaut! there are many women who are more qualified for that type of topic.

Well I hope that this has helped! See you guys soon.

Anonymous said...

I. Hello! My name is Katie Timperio, and I am graduating this summer with a Master's Degree in Community Counseling. ('Can't wait!) I hope to see S.I.S. have interdisciplinary membership, with an increase in awareness about feminism and continued support to community programs.

II. A. I agree with Jodi. Vegetarian and vegan options would be accomodating for those who do not support the exploitation of animals. Depending on the date, I may be able to help on any committee.

II. D. I think that it would be fab to have Laura Gelfand (art history) from the Myers School of Art speak about Women in Art, or Laura Vinnedge (painting and drawing) speak about her painting career as a feminist artist. I know these two women, and they are inspiring and compelling. I have not asked them if they are interested in this yet, but as feminists, I believe they would be willing to devote some time for the cause. I am not sure how much money we have in our budget, or if this is this the best use of our funds, but maybe we could offer some type of small stipend for their time. Perhaps, we could even offer it "In conjunction with the Myers School of Art" in order to help increase advertising.

III. I think that the marketing tools are all great ideas, but I think that we could also advertise by e-mailing all those female students on campus. Is there any way that we could have access to PeopleSoft via the Women's Studies Program, and then run a query, and then e-mail our target population? (I understand that both genders can be feminists.) Not to mention, word-of-mouth and e-mailing are free and maybe a bit greener than supporting the production of new materials.

IV. I think that the social night sounds great. The only thing is, in my opinion, movies won't allow much time for chatting. The game night sure sounds fun.